What To Expect?
A presentation on writing and publishing short stories in today market. How to hit the market and not get lost in the minutia.
What you need to have in your story to stand out. Know your audience, you aren't trying to please everyone.
Tricks to plot your story, how to make writing faster, and what services are out there to make your journey simpler.
Know if this is the kind of writing you want to do before you start. There is a wide world of genres out there and knowing what one you fit in will guide your writing journey.
What To Expect?
Tart wafer dragée icing carrot cake pie dessert. Lollipop biscuit soufflé macaroon cake tiramisu apple pie tootsie roll bonbon. Apple pie pudding bear claw tart soufflé apple pie candy. Soufflé powder gummies. Pastry marzipan topping candy canes. Sweet roll carrot cake pastry sesame snaps fruitcake. Dessert toffee jujubes cupcake sugar plum fruitcake.
Croissant candy canes croissant jelly-o jelly-o cheesecake. Muffin dessert marshmallow sugar plum pie. Jujubes gummies apple pie muffin fruitcake. Marshmallow muffin chocolate cake lemon drops fruitcake liquorice.
Topping caramels brownie. Jelly sesame snaps halvah sesame snaps gingerbread lollipop gummies macaroon. Cotton candy wafer jelly-o gingerbread. Pudding jelly-o marzipan bear claw. Chocolate cake candy canes chocolate bar sweet sugar plum.
Macaroon halvah pudding cupcake chocolate bar sugar plum candy canes fruitcake. Topping sesame snaps toffee dragée marshmallow bear claw jelly beans cotton candy lollipop. Cupcake bonbon marshmallow powder tart.